Hi, my name is andi. I like cycling very much. In the afternoon I rode my bike around my house. My bike is special because my uncle gave it to me for my birthday. It is black in color and the height is perfect for me. There is a clip under the crossbar that holds a water bottle. There is also a tire pump under the seat. There is a rear light and headlight, so I can go cycling in the evening, too why is the bike special for andi?
Hi, my name is andi. i like cycling very much. in the afternoon i rode my bike around my house. my bike is special because my uncle gave it to me for my birthday. it is black in color and the height is perfect for me. there is a clip under the crossbar that holds a water bottle. there is also a tire pump under the seat. there is a rear light and headlight, so i can go cycling in the evening, too why is the bike special for andi:
- jasmani dan rohani.
- it has a crossbar.
- the colour is black.
- he can ride in the evening.
Jawabannya adalah a. jasmani dan rohani.
Hi, my name is andi. i like cycling very much. in the afternoon i rode my bike around my house. my bike is special because my uncle gave it to me for my birthday. it is black in color and the height is perfect for me. there is a clip under the crossbar that holds a water bottle. there is also a tire pump under the seat. there is a rear light and headlight, so i can go cycling in the evening, too why is the bike special for andi jasmani dan rohani.
Jawaban a. jasmani dan rohani menurut saya ini yang benar, karena sudah tertulis dengan jelas pada buku dan catatan rangkuman pelajaran.
Jawaban b. it has a crossbar menurut saya ini salah, karena sudah menyimpang jauh dari apa yang ditanyakan.
Jawaban c. the colour is black menurut saya ini juga salah, karena setelah saya cek di buku ternyata lebih tepat untuk jawaban pertanyaan lain.
Jawaban d. he can ride in the evening menurut saya ini malah 100% salah, karena tidak masuk dalam pembahasan yang ada pada buku pelajaran.
Dari penjelasan dan pembahasan diatas, bisa kita simpulkan bahwa pilihan jawaban yang paling benar adalah a. jasmani dan rohani.
Jika masih ada pertanyaan lain, dan masih bingung untuk memilih jawabannya. Bisa tulis saja dikolom komentar. Nanti saya bantu memberikan jawaban yang benar.