There is an anthurium plowmanii, or more popularly known as gelombang cinta in indonesia, on the verandah of my house. The plant is big. It is one meter high and one half meter wide. The leaves are wide, like big fans with dark green color. I planted it in a big black pot. I like the plant because I feel peaceful every time I see it why the writer love the plant?
There is an anthurium plowmanii, or more popularly known as gelombang cinta in indonesia, on the verandah of my house. the plant is big. it is one meter high and one half meter wide. the leaves are wide, like big fans with dark green color. i planted it in a big black pot. i like the plant because i feel peaceful every time i see it why the writer love the plant:
- bebas dan rahasia.
- because the writer love the plant.
- because the writer feel peaceful every time seeing it.
- because the writer feel sad seeing it.
Jawabannya adalah c. because the writer feel peaceful every time seeing it.
There is an anthurium plowmanii, or more popularly known as gelombang cinta in indonesia, on the verandah of my house. the plant is big. it is one meter high and one half meter wide. the leaves are wide, like big fans with dark green color. i planted it in a big black pot. i like the plant because i feel peaceful every time i see it why the writer love the plant because the writer feel peaceful every time seeing it.
Penjelasan dan Pembahasan
Jawaban a. bebas dan rahasia menurut saya ini salah, karena sudah menyimpang jauh dari apa yang ditanyakan.
Jawaban b. because the writer love the plant menurut saya ini juga salah, karena setelah saya cek di buku ternyata lebih tepat untuk jawaban pertanyaan lain.
Jawaban c. because the writer feel peaceful every time seeing it menurut saya ini yang benar, karena sudah tertulis dengan jelas pada buku dan catatan rangkuman pelajaran.
Jawaban d. because the writer feel sad seeing it menurut saya ini malah 100% salah, karena tidak masuk dalam pembahasan yang ada pada buku pelajaran.
Dari penjelasan dan pembahasan diatas, bisa kita simpulkan bahwa pilihan jawaban yang paling benar adalah c. because the writer feel peaceful every time seeing it.
Jika masih ada pertanyaan lain, dan masih bingung untuk memilih jawabannya. Bisa tulis saja dikolom komentar. Nanti saya bantu memberikan jawaban yang benar.